Training Tools and Handouts

Marketing Cooperatives for Incubator Farms

An overview of the World PEAS Cooperative, which works to provide a market for the beginning and immigrant farmers that are in training with New Entry. The overview highlights the reources, including staffing and budget, that are required to run the CSA.

Flow Chart- business planning

Flow chart that illustrates a step-by-step guide to business and crop planning.

Canning 101, Nepali Translation

Nepali translation of Canning 101 handout: basic canning instructions adapted from Ball, outlining the steps to safely store high acid foods, like sauce, jam, and chutney: boiling jars of food to remove air, preventing spoilage and food-borne illness.

Canning 101, Arabic Translation

Arabic translation of Canning 101 handout: basic canning instructions adapted from Ball, outlining the steps to safely store high acid foods, like sauce, jam, and chutney: boiling jars of food to remove air, preventing spoilage and food-borne illness.

Production Basics: Seeding

Brief presentation from New Farms for New Americans that outlines best practices for starting seedings, including methods and crop and region specifics.

Integrated Pest Management Worksheet

A record keeping worksheet, put together by the New American Agriculture Project (NASAP), illustrated with specific pests and includes space to record action taken, effect, and notes.

Production Calendar without Succession

Illustrated calendar that recommends planting dates for a variety crops, April through June.

Spreadsheet of How to Plant Vegetables

Instructional spreadsheet on how to plant vegetables. Includes plant spacing, whether to transplant or direct seed, and spacing.

Vegetable Identification

An illustrated guide of common vegetables grown and eaten in Vermont.

Vegetable Flash Cards

Vegetable flash cards with vocabulary and pictures, from the Refugee Agricultural Partnership Program curriculum.


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