Training for Farmers

Plain Language Guide to USDA's NASS End of Season Fruit and Vegetable Inquiry

Learn about the purpose of the end of season survey, contact information for USDA, and the steps for completing the survey.

Northeast Network of Immigrant Farming Projects


Plain Language Guide to Harvesting Your Crops

Learn about when to harvest, post-havest handling, and preparing your produce for market. Information for the following crops are include:

  • Greens
  • Fruit and melon vegetables
  • Onion crops
  • Cruciferous vegetables
  • Roots and tubers
  • Beans and peas
  • Herbs
  • Pumpkin/squash blossoms
  • Pumpkins and winter squash



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A quick reference guide to how to best pick and store your vegetables, bring your vegetables to market, sell your crops, and be noticed at the market. Picking and storing information is organized by vegetable.

University of Minnesota Extension


Agricultura Simple y Exitosa de Verduras: Como Recoger, Almancenar y Vender los Vegetables que Usted Cosecha

A quick reference guide to how to best pick and store your vegetables, bring your vegetables to market, sell your crops, and be noticed at the market. Picking and storing information is organized by vegetable.

University of Minnesota Extension


Worcester Refugee and Immigrant Services: The Job Connection

A basic overview of information for the Job Connection and services provided for refugee and immigrant workers. Some services include:

  • Vocational counseling and skills assessment
  • Pre-employment training
  • English language classes
  • Bilingual worksite orientation
  • Post-placement support
  • Your name exposure to the community

Lutheran Community Services


Wholesale Packing Resource Guide

Plain lanugage guide from New Entry for people who want to learn about selling to supermarkets, produce distributors, restaurants and institutions. The guide explains packing requirements and aims to help farmers decide if it makes sense for them to enter the wholesale market.

Season Extension

Plain language guide from the New Entry Sustainable Farming Project, which aids farmers in extending their season into the winter. The guide outlines the benefits and costs of extending the growing season, several methods of season extension, and necessary materials and costs.

Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs)- Plain Language Guide

Plain language guide from New Entry on Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs). The guide provides background on the importance of GAPs, the audit process, and developing a food safety plan.

Managing Risks on the Small Farm

Plain language guide from New Entry, designed to introduce farmers to the risks of farming. Explains the five types of risk: production, marketing, worker, legal, and financial, and provides worksheets for each farmer to complete.

Harvesting Crops for Market

Plain language guide from New Entry Sustainable Farming Project, which provides information on when to harvest vegetables, food safety information around handling produce after harvest, and how to prepare produce for harvest.


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