Food Safety

Farm Hygiene - Translated into Kirundi

Farm hygiene document translated into Kirundi.

How to Build a Low-cost Cooler (Spanish version)

This video demonstrates the process of building a low-cost farm cooler, and is a great accompaniment to hands-on workshops. Dubbed in Spanish, it is one of three educational videos produced by the Spring Rose Growers Cooperative based in Madison, Wisconsin made possible with funds from the USDA Small Socially Disadvantaged Producer Grant.

Wholesale Packing Resource Guide

Plain lanugage guide from New Entry for people who want to learn about selling to supermarkets, produce distributors, restaurants and institutions. The guide explains packing requirements and aims to help farmers decide if it makes sense for them to enter the wholesale market.

Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs)- Plain Language Guide

Plain language guide from New Entry on Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs). The guide provides background on the importance of GAPs, the audit process, and developing a food safety plan.

Managing Risks on the Small Farm

Plain language guide from New Entry, designed to introduce farmers to the risks of farming. Explains the five types of risk: production, marketing, worker, legal, and financial, and provides worksheets for each farmer to complete.

Harvesting Crops for Market

Plain language guide from New Entry Sustainable Farming Project, which provides information on when to harvest vegetables, food safety information around handling produce after harvest, and how to prepare produce for harvest.

Canning 101, Nepali Translation

Nepali translation of Canning 101 handout: basic canning instructions adapted from Ball, outlining the steps to safely store high acid foods, like sauce, jam, and chutney: boiling jars of food to remove air, preventing spoilage and food-borne illness.

Canning 101, Arabic Translation

Arabic translation of Canning 101 handout: basic canning instructions adapted from Ball, outlining the steps to safely store high acid foods, like sauce, jam, and chutney: boiling jars of food to remove air, preventing spoilage and food-borne illness.

Plain Language Guide to Managing Risks on the Small Farm

Are you a new or experienced farmer, interested in better understanding how to manage the risks of your operation? This guide to Managing Risks on the Small Farm, written in Plain Language, will help you with understanding how risk affects you in the following areas:

•Production Risk
•Marketing Risk
•Financial Risk
•Worker Risk
•Legal Risk


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